The Scientific Committee invites you to participate in this congress by submitting your scientific abstract.
Important Deadlines
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 28 January 2024
The submitter will receive the communication whether the abstract is accepted or rejected within 30th January 2024.
Within 1 month of notification of acceptance, the submitting Author is requested to do the Congress Registration.
For the video presentation, the authors are requested to submit an abstract, filling in the requested data in abstract portal and choosing ‘video presentations’.
The deadline for the submission is 04 December 2023.
The video submitter will receive the communication whether the abstract is accepted or rejected within 19 January 2024.
In case of acceptance the submitter will be requested to send the video through WeTransfer to AbstractICGS@oic.it
The accepted videos will be projected in the video loop area in exhibition area and will be online on the congress website.
All Authors must select an abstract category:
- New Glaucoma Drainage Devices
- Angle Closure Glaucoma
- Congenital / Pediatric Glaucoma
- Trabeculectomy
- Wound Healing Modulation
- Non-Penetrating Surgery
- Tube Shunts
- Lasers
- Cataract and Glaucoma Surgery
- Glaucoma Medications
- Ocular Imaging
- Glaucoma Surgical Complications
- New Technology
- Epidemiology
- International Outreach
- The Role of Surgery in Glaucoma Research
For abstract submission support please contact:

Help Desk Abstract Submission
Viale Giovine Italia, 17- 50122 Firenze
Phone: +39 055 50.35.1
Fax: +39 055 50.01.912
E-mail: abstracticgs@oic.it