Scientific Information
CME Credits
The ISGS 2024 has been accredited by ESO with the Abu Dhabi Department of Health to receive DOH CME
Title of Activity: International Congress on Glaucoma Surgery from 18/4/2024 to 20/4/2024 – MECMP-2024-001721
CME Provider Number: Department of Health, MECMF-2022-00004 issued on 29/03/2024
Number of credits allowed: the CME activity is designated for a maximum of (46:45) of DOH CME
Target Audience: Ophthalmologists, Doctors, Residents Doctors, Medical Students and Allied Health Professionals: Optometrists and Ophthalmic Nurses
The certificate containing the credits will be mailed to all those who have taken part in the Congress and who have completed the Survey which will be mailed to participants at the end of the Congress.
Please note that this activity is not managed by the ICGS Secretariat, for any questions please apply to ESO – Emirates Society of Ophthalmology – info@eso-conferences.com
- New Glaucoma Drainage Devices
- Angle Closure Glaucoma
- Congenital / Pediatric Glaucoma
- Trabeculectomy
- Wound Healing Modulation
- Non-Penetrating Surgery
- Tube Shunts
- Lasers
- Cataract and Glaucoma Surgery
- Glaucoma Medications
- Ocular Imaging
- Glaucoma Surgical Complications
- New Technology
- Epidemiology
- International Outreach
- The Role of Surgery in Glaucoma Research
Official language
The official language of the 12th International Congress on Glaucoma Surgery is English. All participants are encouraged to join discussions, independently of their fluency in English as the exchange of ideas and critical evaluation of presentations is the main purpose of the event.
registration desk
The Organising Secretariat Desk will be open for registration and information according to the following time schedule:
Thursday, 18 April 07.30 – 19.00
Friday, 19 April 07.30 – 19.00
Saturday, 20 April 08.00 – 17.00
Please collect the conference kit at the Secretariat Desk and wear your name badge during the scientific sessions and social activities
Slide Centre
All meeting rooms are equipped with a computer slide projector alone, and no traditional slide or overhead projectors for transparencies are available.
It will be not possible to use personal laptops in the meeting rooms. Speakers are kindly requested to use “PowerPoint” (Windows or Macintosh/Apple) for their presentations. The dimensions of PowerPoint presentation should not exceed 300 MB, videos included.
Please use “.gif” and “.jpg” extensions for images. Other types of extensions will be accepted provided they can be recognized by PowerPoint.
The use of CD-Rom, pens or memory stick is advisable to ease downloading of presentations, and same should be handed to technicians at the Slide Centre in good time. Please remember to collect your CD or memory pen from the Slide Centre at the end of the session.
Only computer projection is available in the Meetings rooms and it is not possible to directly use personal laptops at the podium.
Abstract Book
ICGS abstracts will be available to the participants on the Congress website
The Abstracts accepted as e-Posters will be available to the participants on e-posters kiosks.
Attendance at least one break is recommended.
Please note that the website contains third-party scientific contents uploaded for educational purposes. Images may have been included in these contents.
It should be noted that the authorship of such scientific contents and images does not belong to the Organizing Secretariat (OIC S.r.l.) or to the Scientific Society. These subjects are not responsible for what is expressed and/or represented therein, declining any liability to the actual authors/owners, whose personal and contact data can be obtained by contacting the Organizing Secretariat at the address indicated below, for the exclusive purpose of protecting intellectual property rights and/or copyright.
Photography and Video Material
Pictures and videos taken at the 12th International Congress on Glaucoma Surgery (ICGS) could be reproduced in ISGS news or promotional material,
whether in print, electronic or other media, including social media and the ISGS website. ISGS reserves the right to crop, splice, treat and edit any
imagery or photographs taken at the ICGS events. The participant waives the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written
or electronic copy. Naturally, participants always have the right for their picture to be removed. Should you wish to have your picture or video
removed, please let us know and we will take action accordingly.