Registration Fee
Standard Delegate | 580,00 € | 680,00 € | 730,00 € |
ISGS Member Delegate | 455,00 € | 560,00 € | 600,00 € |
Surgeons in Training | 230,00 € | 255,00 € | 270,00 € |
ISGS Member in Training | 155,00 € | 180,00 € | 200,00 € |
Industry (Sponsors) | 260,00 € | 280,00 € | 300,00 € |
ISGS Member Industry | 230,00 € | 230,00 € | 230,00 € |
Accompanying non-eye-surgeon Social Programme (spouse, friend, colleague) | 130,00 € | 135,00 € | 140,00 € |
Industry (Professionals) | 600,00 € | 600,00 € | 680,00 € |
Wet Labs (cost for each lab) | 50,00 € | 50,00 € | 50,00 € |
Social dinner for delegates -19 April | 50,00 € | 50,00 € | 50,00 € |
- Application for the Surgeons in Training fee should be certified by a letter from the head of the department to be up-loaded in the on-line platform directly (pdf format is required), stating that the applicant is an ophthalmology resident at the time of registration.
- Accompanying person fee includes: Welcome Reception during the Opening Ceremony on 18th April and Social Dinner on 19th April.
- Mandatory previous registrations to the Congress. Registrations will be accepted on the “first come first served” basis.
- Sponsor – Corporate personnel of companies that support the event with a sponsorship
- Professionals – Commercial representatives and corporate personnel who have a legitimate educational or business reason for attending, but do not have a sponsorship or product and service to exhibit
The Organizing Secretariat Desk will be open for registration and information according to the following time schedule:
Thursday, 18st April | 10.30 to 18.30 |
Friday 19th April | 7.00 to 17.30 |
Saturday 20th April | 7.30 to 17.30 |
- Access to the exhibition
- Congress kit including certificate of attendance (not included in Industry fees) and name badge
- Final program
- Abstract book (available only online on www.icgscongress.org)
- Working lunches and coffee breaks
- Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception on 18th April
Registration is mandatory for participation in the scientific sessions and for all oral, video and e-poster presenters.
Nationals of some countries will need a travel-visa to enter the United Arab Emirates.
Participants should contact the UAE Embassy or Consulate in their home country as soon as possible to confirm their travel-visa requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the participant to procure the necessary visa to attend the congress.
Participants should initiate the application process at least 3 months prior to departure. OIC Group is not able to assist participants with their visa application and cannot intervene with Embassies or Consulates on behalf of any participant.
For additional details please visit the following website:
Abu Dhabi Residents Office https://www.adro.gov.ae/Visas
Visa invitation letter can be required during the registration process.
Only participants fully registered in the Meeting can obtain a personal invitation letter.
If requested, relevant expenses for hardcopy of the invitation letter sent by express courier must be paid in advance.
Please note that the visa invitation letter only aims to assist participants who need to obtain a visa or permission to attend the Meeting and it is not a commitment from the organizers to cover any kind of expenses or to provide any financial support. All expenses incurred in relation to the conference remain the sole responsibility of the participant.
For any change or cancellation a written notification must be sent to: registrationicgs@oic.it
- For cancellations received by 30 January 2024 the paid amount will be refunded with a deduction of 30% that will be invoiced as penalty.
- For cancellations received up to and including 15 April 2024 the paid amount will be refunded with a deduction of 70% that will be invoiced as penalty.
- No refund will be processed for cancellations received after 16 April 2024.
Name changes incur a handling fee of € 39,00 per registration. No refunds shall be offered, where a service is deemed to have begun and is, for all intents and purposes, underway. Anyone unable to attend the congress, for whatever reasons, after paying and/or unable to transfer the registration fee to another person, must cancel his/her registration.
The registration fee will be refunded if the request is received prior the above cancellation deadline dates, no further claims for reimbursement can be made. Anyone unable to attend the congress for VISA rejection, refund will be granted only if a copy of your visa rejection letter is provided.
The refund will be issued less the cancellation fee above stated. Please note that no refunds will be issued for additional fees paid for express shipping of invitation letters.